Directed By:
Jean Rollin
Not Rated
Genre: Horror
Format Used: Netflix DVD
Contains: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content
Country: French
Also Known As:
Lac des morts vivants, Le
Lago de los muertos vivientes, El (Spain)
The Lake of the Living Dead
Zombie Lake (USA)
Zombies Lake (Europe: English title)
It all begins in a small town in France during Nazi occupation of World War II. The villagers decide to fight back and the
Nazi creeps were killed. Fearing retribution by the Nazi Government they dump the body in the lake and went on like business
as usual.
Now the war is over and something has gotten the Nazi to rise again. This time as blood sucking zombies out to kill every
man, woman and child.
Okay, I got to admit there are some interesting things in this movie. The concept of Nazi zombies, the subplot of one of
the zombies protecting an offspring he had with a villager cutey. But there is more bad news then good. One after god only
knows how long has past they sat at the bottom of the lake rotting, what sparked them to come back now? Two, why blood sucking
zombies? Everyone knows zombies eat flesh and vampires drink blood and lastly, and most important in my opinion. The zombie
make up, it wasn't water soluble, by which I mean it was water based and was washing off during key scenes. I'm sorry but
I just can't recommend Zombie Lake. THE TURKEY.
I couldn't agree more, French cinema of the '70s and early '80s sucked the big kahoonia and most of the tripe is unwatchable
and just god awful and this French flop is no exception. How could anyone find this agony fun and enjoyable. Zedd makes
a couple of points, but it's not enough to even remotely give a good review. THE TURKEY as well.
+ CONCEPT (The Nazi Zombie works.)
+ ONE GOOD GERMAN (All the German troops weren't evil, one had a heart.)
+ UNDERWATER SCENES (I got to admit the underwater segments were impressive.)
- WHAT AND WHY (The dead don't rise from the grave for no reason and why did it take so long?)
- HOW LONG (I don't think they said how long has past.)
- SLOW (It dragged on and on.)
- WATER SOLUBLE MAKE-UP (You can watch as the make up washes right off as the actor rises out of the water.)