Guillermo del Toro
Rated R
Genre: Drama/Fantasy
Format Used: Blockbuster DVD
Contains: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence
Country: Spain
Also Known As:
El laberinto del fauno
Pan's Labyrinth (International: English title)
The Labyrinth of the Faun (International: English title) (informal literal title)
Okay, there's some kind of so-called legend about a Princess or queen from another world and this girl stuck in this nightmare
war is that girl and must prove it or something. She sees big frogs, Fauns and other amazing creatures.
But the question is was it real or just a little girl's imagination? That's one of the issues of this loser, there is
no proof that it was real. Plus the plot centers around this whole civil war thing. It's called Pan's Labyrinth, not Spanish
Civil War. Plus makes you wonder if the rebels' cause wasn't just with this sick SOB father of hers murdering people.
Finally and worst of all in this pile of crap, the climax. Her own father murders her, which truly shows how sick that
jerk was and the narrator said she had to die in order to return to the world. That doesn't make any sense! It said that
she died when she entered our world to begin with, so why didn't she just go back then when she died. Guillermo del Toro
normally does a great job, but this is just a mess. He dropped the ball big time, anyone who likes this movie make write
me, if you do, explain to me three things.
1) Why focus so much on the war, when they just could have made a straight up war movie
2) Was there any proof what so ever that wasn't all in her mind?
3) Why did she have to die in order to go back to her world? When she died getting here?
I bet you can't explain it, because it's STUPID!
