Directed By:
John Lemont
Michael Gough, Margo Johns and Claire Gordon
Rated R
Genre: Science Fiction/Horror
Format Used: My Own DVD
Contains: Graphic Violence
Country: England
Also Known As:
I Was a Teenage Gorilla (USA) (working title)
Doctor Charles Decker was persumed killed when his small plane crashes in deepest uncharted Africa. But Charles emerges out
of the bush a year later carrying a small Chimp and a hand full of giant flesh eating plants.
Once home he annouces to the world that he has a great discovery will change the world. Something is boss at the University
doesn't like. He plants the seeds and uses the extract on the tiny chimp that turns him into a huge gorilla. Now Charles
uses Konga to exact revenge on anything that stands in the way of his goals.
But when Charles fancies Sandra over his trusted assitantant Margaret she gives Konga an injection which must have been
way too much for Konga grows to city wrecking size and goes on a rampage.
It is a fun cheesy movie, it has a great cast and some okay effects. But my biggest complaint is that Konga starts out as
a Chimp but the plant extract formula turns little Konga into a Gorilla and that is not possible. An Chimp is a Chimp and
a Gorilla is a Gorilla. They are two different species. I mean what would have really happened if he didn't shoot the cat
that drinks the spilled formula, he would have turned into a lion? The story implies that Konga just got larger which means
he should have stilled looked like a chimp. But the story is a unique twist on the giant ape story, the cast does a bang up
job. It is a classic and I think if you are a fan of the giant ape genre, then you will enjoy this. 7 STARS.

I agree with Zedd on this one. Everything he wrote in his review I agree with. Plus, I like to mention I found that it had
a tendecy to drag on. But as he wrote, it is unique and it's not expensive. We picked up our copy at Fry's for around eight
bucks. So, this is a unique budget title that is fun to watch, for the most part and I give it 5 STARS.

+ GOOD CAST (I got to admit the cast is pretty good.)
+ STORY (The story is unique.)
+ ACTING (There is some fun over the top acting.)
+ PRICE (At around eight dollars American, it's a deal.)
- TRADING UP? (You can't change species, no matter what you us.)
- SLOW (VOLTRON felt is drags at points.)
- FAN BASED (If you are not a fan of the giant monster movie genre, then this isn't for you.)