Directed By:
Joe D'Amato
Miles O'Keeffe
Rated R
Genre: Fantasy
Format Used: Netflix DVD
Contains: Graphic Violence, Brief Nudity, Bad Dubbing
Country: Italy
Also Known As:
Ator l'invincibile (Original Title)
Ator the Invincible (International: English title) (informal literal title)
Ator, l'aquila battante (Italy) (alternative title)
An ancient cult that worships a emense spider controls the world, the empire of the spider god. But there is told of one
that will be born with the mark of the eagle and that man will destroy the Spider God and bring down the spider cult.
A former member of the Spider Empire hides the child in the hopes of revenge and when the leader is dead, he would take
over. Ator must now face his destiny as his foster sister and bride is stolen to be a sacrifice to the Spider God and Ator
must avenge his people and save the woman he loves.
God, it's irony that Miles O'Keefe's mother sued because all the nudity in Tarzan, the ape man when she should have sued for
all the crap in this movie. The dubbing was God awful, the plot was confusing and that is putting it mildly. There was some
nudity in it, but what was the point, the camera was so far away you couldn't see anything. It was like the movie makers was
peeping on the actress instead of a scene in the movie and couldn't afford a telescopic lens. There were so many subplots
hidden within the main plot that you barely could see the main plot. Plus, the amazing vanishing birthmark, the birth marked
reappeared when the guy removed but it vanished again almost instantly. God what a load of Itallian cheese and normally I
like Itallian cheese, but this is totally rotten crap that should be avoided. THE RASBERRY.

Again, I couldn't agree more. Man, Miles is too good for this pile of puke. But I guess you got to do some crap before you
become a star. But there are some good creature effects and why didn't the Spider God have a name? That didn't make any
sense, now it might have been just the dubbed version, if the original the Spider God has a name, please write me and tell
me his name. I am dying to know. But as it stands now, the Spider God is just one big lame puppet. THE RASBERRY.

+ CREATURE EFFECTS (The creature make up effects, not the God awful puppet spider god was alright.)
+ FIGHTS (The fight scenes work.)
- DUBBING (Some of the worst dubbing ever.)
- STORY (The story was weak and lame.)
- SUBPLOTS (Too many subplots.)
- DISAPPEARING BIRTHMARK (I can't even count how many times that darn birthmark vanished.
- NO NAMES (Where were the names of the Spider God and the Queen. Even though I thought I heard the Queen had a name.)
- NOT FOR EVERYONE (Unless you enjoy pain or are force some guy in a jump suit to watch really bad movies, then this isn't
the movie for you.)